Reborn Homes Through My Voice
Exhibition Denchu Hirakushi House
Reborn Homes Through My Voice was presented at the Japanese sculptor Denchu Hirakushi’s House in April 2017, consisting of 6 audio works and an ever-changing atelier with scores. The audio material is based on recordings in the venue and over thirty interviews with local inhabitants around the Ueno Sakuragi area, Tokyo, Japan.
How does the process of transforming a personal memory into someone else’s work? After an event has passed by, it is impossible to share places, sceneries and sounds exactly in the same way. However, through revealing and sharing one’s memory, it is recreated in the listener’s imagination, based on her/his own experiences. It is as much tangible as an imaginary process.
Travelling Memories – interactive mini-cupboard, tea pot, clock, bowl, shell
For Elaine – vinyl
Reborn Homes Through My Voice – cushions, 4-channel sound installation
Graphic Scores
Telephone piece
Denchu Hirakushi House Tokyo
- 2017
Supported by
- Arts Council Tokyo
- ProHelvetia
- Kulturfonds Switzerland
- Swiss Embassy Japan
Side Events
- Workshop and Performance with David Toop (musician/writer, UK)
- Performance by Ensemble for Experimental Music and Theater (EEMT)
- Performance by Hojo/Kraft
- Boundaries of Practises based on listening - A special lecture by David Toop (musician/writer, UK) in collaboration with Tokyo University of the Arts