Wading Breath

Performative Sound Walk

Wading Breath is a performative sound walk on Isola La Certosa, Venice. Reflecting on the fragility of the salt marsh, its inhabitants and stored memory, it connects our own breathing, diaphragm and voice to unheard acoustics beneath the surface. By listening to recorded sounds of photosynthesis, fish songs, moving crabs and undefined signals from the lagoon, you are invited to engage with underwater life forms and reflect on the connections between much larger paradoxes present in similar vulnerable lowlands around the world. Wading Breath seeks for wading, walking or standing in shallow water without shoes or socks; and to breathe with, the act of taking air into the lungs and sending it out; to form acoustic kin with underwater life and approaching organic matter through sound. 


  • Co-Production: Ocean Space Venice


  • Performative Sound Walk
  • Duration: 60 minutes


  • Conception, direction, sound: Rahel Kraft
  • Performer: Alessandra Grieco, Tomoko Hojo
  • Microchip Programming: Urban Lienert
  • Documentation: Pietro Consolandi
  • Production: Cie Nobuo


  • Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia
  • Kulturstiftung des Kantons Thurgau
  • Kunstkredit Basel Stadt