Paradoxical Creatures
Performance in different Editions
Paradoxical Creatures is an intimate dialogue between body, paper and sound. Based on her book of the same name, Rahel Kraft sets 27 poetic instructions and 81 inspirations in motion, by using self-built loudspeakers, microphones, light and voice and the whole space. While the air around us reflects the finest vibration, silent thoughts oscillate on the limits of the perceptible and everyday sounds form new dimensions. Little by little, a living organism emerges and gives us the opportunity to listen with our whole body.
Paradoxical Creatures is an ongoing performance series that is reproduced in different editions. A constantly changing process that takes on a different form depending on the location and context.
[paradox] a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.
[creature] anything living or existing.
- Gegen den Strom Zurich 2021
- Klangzeitfestival Virtual 2020
- Sonic Territories Vienna 2020
- Shedhalle Frauenfeld 2020
- sound, speakers, washi paper, books, light bulb, fans, Macinthosh, Ableton Live, controller, relay